
Interview with Hermés by Edgar Fabián Frías

I am so excited to share this wonderful interview I just had with Hermés who is a FEMME ICON and an incredibly talented artist, advocate, activist, and so much more. You can learn more about her and all of the amazing things she does by clicking here.

E: Hi, can you share a little bit about yourself! How did you come to be the incredible artist, shapeshifter, sorceress, and monstress that you are? What is important to you at this moment? 

H: Thank you, Edgar! Including being an artist and all the things, I also claim and embrace being a trailblazer. As an Aries, being the first has been a recurring theme in my life. The first to be born in the states, the first born of 3 siblings, and the first to graduate from college. The first to move out from my hometown and move to the Bay Area. 

My familial roots come from México, El Salvador, and Spain. What is important to me at this moment is the process of deconditioning and divesting from patriarchal capitalist colonial programming, which includes reclaiming ancestral wisdom and practices.

E: I am obsessed with the art you’ve shared on the tezos blockchain on objkt and would love to hear more about it! 

H: Yes, how I would describe the art that I put out there is FFF – Fantastical, FEMME, and Fun!

E: What is your relationship like with art practice, performance, and digital art? Does it intersect with other mediums/practices and, if so, how? 

H: What comes to mind is the performativity of gender. As philosopher Simone de Beauvoir said: “one is not born, but rather becomes, a woman”. Performance can also be ritualistic, ceremonial, and ancestral. I think performance can be elevating and seductive.

I’m inspired by femme, feminist, and surreal visual art, which in college I took a women’s studies class called, feminist-art-power. My favorite visual artists that are  coming up for me are Leonora Carrington, Leonor Fini, and Remedios Varo. I love that these artists incorporate their mysticism into their art. For example, Leonara Carrington created her own version of the Major Arcana cards.

 To me, art, creativity, magical praxis are all interconnected. Art intersects with my astrology and tarot studies and practices. Overall, my art/work is devotional.

E: Do you have any advice you’d like to share with any baby witches or aspiring artists? 

H: Take risks and experiment! How I personally learn and grow is through trial and error. I’m also a big book nerd, so I love to read! 

E: What are your favorite forms of ritual or magic that you incorporate into your daily life? 

H: Good question! I like to keep it simple and cute. I pull tarot cards everyday. I give little offerings to my guides, such as offering incense,water, and leaving sweets, flowers, and adornments to my altar spaces. 

E: Are there any people, practices, or artworks you’d like to uplift and share? Why does it feel important to share them? 

H: I love my star poets and artists. With my own astrology practice and study, I’m tremendously indebted to astrology/tarot reader/educator/writer Diana Rose Harper and her mentorship, workshops, and readings she offers and her Patreon. I definitely recommend checking her work for those wanting to dive deeper and learn about astrology. Her wonderful workshops that I want to highlight include, Fundamental Needs, Required Resources: The Collaboration of the 1st and 2nd Houses and Fierce Compassion: Natal Astrology as Radical Self-Care.

E: This is a very intense time astrologically (or so I’ve been told by a few friends) do you have any astrological insights that you feel are important to share? 

H: Based on what’s happening, I think discernment is crucial and seeing beyond the veil. At this time, cultivating community care is crucial. Despite the challenges, we have to remind ourselves that we have agency and autonomy.  

In addition to Diana Rose Harper and her work, I love tuning in to astrologer Jessica Lanyadoo’s Ghost of a Podcast. Each week she goes over weekly transits. She also does episodes on what to expect for the year ahead. Aside from the astro data, she also provides valuable solid advice. For example in an episode she mentioned that an antidote to fear can be by taking action, and that taking small incremental steps can create a big impact. 

E: What’s something you are hoping to accomplish in the next year or two? 

H: Alongside the visual art that I create, I want to dedicate more time to my writing and grow my girl blog

E: Please let us know about anything exciting going on in your life right now! 

H: Ah there’s always so much going on! What comes to mind is how energizing living by the water can be and being immersed with the Bay Area magic and connecting with other Bay Area artists and witches! 

 E: How can folks connect with you and your work? 

H: I’m always open to collaboration! (I’m a libra rising.) You can find me on instagram (@hermes_hermit). I also have my linktree posted there. You can also check out my blog and podcast!

Talking with Adrienne Maree Brown about withcraft, animism, divination, and so much more! by Edgar Fabián Frías

In the world of podcasting, there are moments when you get the chance to sit down with someone whose work has profoundly influenced your life. For me, that moment arrived when I had the incredible honor of speaking with Adrienne Maree Brown, co-host of the thought-provoking podcast "How to Survive the End of the World." Together, we delved into a realm of enchanting topics, from bibliomancy and the myriad paths of divination in nature to the profound wisdom of animism. Our conversation flowed, touching on the rich traditions of the Wixárika people and the profound ways that art and magic can shape our lives. You can listen to our episode here.

A Fan's Dream Becomes True Reciprocity:

As someone who has long been an admirer of Adrienne's transformative work, including her groundbreaking books "Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change, Changing Worlds" and "Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good," this podcast was a dream come true. Adrienne's most recent work, "Fables and Spells: Collected and New Short Fiction and Poetry," further showcases her ability to tap into the collective wisdom of humanity and the magic of storytelling. It was incredibly moving to have adrienne share an excerpt from this book during the podcast and, as if that weren’t enough, to also share that she is a big fan of me and my art as well.

**Bibliomancy: Unveiling Messages in the Written Word**

We talked about divination and focused on bibliomancy, which is the practice of finding divine messages in books. Adrienne shared her own experiences with this mystical art, stressing the significance of approaching it with an open heart and mind. She also highlighted the importance of "curating" your experience by paying attention to what emerges and how you choose your reading material. We also discussed how beautiful it is when serendipity leads you to a passage or phrase that deeply resonates and becomes a guiding light in your life.

**The Many Paths of Divination in Nature**

Nature, with its infinite wisdom, became another focal point of our discussion. Adrienne and I eloquently described various forms of divination rooted in the natural world, highlighting the profound connections we can forge with the environment around us. From the patterns of birds in flight to the whispers of the wind, nature offers us endless avenues to tap into its sacred knowledge.

adrienne maree brown and Autumn Brown (click on this image to be taken to the podcast episode)

**The Wisdom of Animism**

Animism, the belief that all living beings and natural elements possess a soul or spirit, resonated deeply with both of us. We explored the ways in which animism invites us to engage with the world around us on a profound level, recognizing the consciousness present in every tree, rock, and creature. This perspective fosters a sense of interconnectedness and reverence for all life.

**Wixárika Traditions: A Journey into Indigenous Wisdom**

Our discussion shifted towards the Wixárika, a global indigenous community with deep traditions and wisdom, of which I am a descendant. I shared my experiences with Wixárika culture and my connection to its cosmologies, marakame (medicine people), and deities. I emphasized the significance of respecting and learning from indigenous communities as we aim to expand our understanding of the world. I brought up the incredible work that Diana Negrín has been doing with the Wixarika Research Center and her father’s legacy of uplifting and preserving José Benítez Sánchez’s incredible oeuvre. I also mention the work of Mama Chali and María Sabina.

**Art and Magic: Letting Creativity Flow**

As our conversation unfolded, we found ourselves immersed in a discussion about the inseparable connection between art and magic. Adrienne emphasized how both can be powerful tools for transformation, allowing us to channel our inner creativity and shape our lives in ways we may not have imagined. We shared personal stories of how art and magic have guided our own journeys and brought profound meaning to our existence.

**Profound Messages and Channeled Guidance**

In the spirit of sharing, Adrienne and I opened up about the profound messages we've received from the everyday world around us. From chance encounters with strangers to the synchronicities that seem to guide our paths, we explored the idea that life itself is a teacher, offering guidance and support when we are open to receiving it.

Quote by Edgar Fabián Frías

My conversation with Adrienne Maree Brown was a deep dive into the realms of magic, wisdom, and the everyday miracles that surround us. As someone who has long admired Adrienne's work, this podcast episode was not only a dream come true but also a reminder that when we open ourselves to the mysteries of existence, we uncover profound insights and a deeper connection to the world around us.

Adrienne's books, including "Emergent Strategy," "Pleasure Activism," and "Fables and Spells," serve as beacons of inspiration, guiding us to shape change, find pleasure in activism, and embrace the magic of storytelling. As we continue on our respective journeys, may we remember the wisdom shared in this conversation and carry it with us as we navigate the ever-unfolding story of our lives.

Queer Conjure: An Interview with Jasper Joy, the Genderqueer Witch Redefining Magic and Empathy by Edgar Fabián Frías

A photo of Jasper Joy from their website Queer Conjure. Can be found here.

Hello Jasper, I'm incredibly grateful for the opportunity to chat with you today and delve deeper into your world and the work you do with Queer Conjure. Before we begin, would you kindly introduce yourself and share a few key aspects of your journey that have led you to where you are today? I'm eager to learn more about your unique path.

Yes, thank you! Your work has been quite the inspiration for me! I first learned about you through Ylva Mara a couple of years ago and I’ve been listening to your Mutant Musings on Youtube ever since, as well as some of your other videos and I just appreciate them so much.

My name is Jasper Joy, my pronouns are they/them, and I am a white genderqueer witch, tarot scholar, writer, and spiritual support specialist. I have a small professional practice called queerconjure.org where I teach tarot and witchcraft in a way that centers queer experiences, trans experiences, and neurodivergent experiences. Because those are the communities I belong to. As a child, I was raised by gay new-agers and sober lesbian Buddhists. I was an initiate and acolyte of a Wiccan temple for all of my twenties. I am always investigating ways to honor what my elders taught me in a way that makes more room for anti-racist work and resists all concepts of hierarchy.

Could you share a memorable experience or transformational moment you've had while supporting individuals through your offerings and practices at Queer Conjure?

I have a client that comes to me twice a year for tarot readings and she spends most of our time together telling me hilarious stories. I don’t say much except to reflect back to her what I’m hearing as the thread that connects those stories together. At first, I wasn’t sure what she was getting out of our sessions. Through working with her I learned a lesson that changed my practice completely. Tarot, as well as other forms of divination, is primarily a tool to facilitate active and empathetic listening. For me, it is more important to shine a light on what the client already knows and feels than to try to wow them with what I know (or think I know). I have to set my ego aside and become a reflective reader rather than a projective reader. What’s more, I work with marginalized communities that often have to work really hard just to be taken seriously. Putting their needs to be seen, heard, validated, and accepted ahead of everything else is a very powerful healing magic.

How do you approach failure and what have you learned from your past setbacks?

I’m not sure that I believe in failure. Within every experience is an opportunity to learn and open. Failure suggests shame or blame, a perspective rather than a reality. My mama used to say “well, I just paid some tuition to the college of life” whenever something went horribly wrong. I mean, accidentally setting the lawn on fire wrong. Literally shooting oneself in the leg wrong. It was her way of saying that, even amidst the most fucked up chaos, there is something to learn and grow from. Setbacks are real and they can bring a lot of grief with them. They bring up a sense of loss. Most of my recent setbacks have come from chronic illness and therefore less work. It’s been a big cosmic neon sign that says “slow down or else”. The more I resist the more the universe puts obstacles in my way. So I finally had to let go and slow down. And it’s allowed me to open more.

Could you share some insights into the rituals or practices that are particularly meaningful or powerful to you?

Journaling will always be my true love. I have ADHD and a memory disorder, so writing things down is essential. But it’s more than just a way to recall events. Writing creates change, which is also what magic does. It’s a sacred tool that reorients the writer back to their true path. Back to their dreams. In the mornings, as often as possible, I light a birthday candle on my altar and journal for as long as the candle burns. Which is only a few minutes. But it’s not the length of time that’s important, it’s the attention that’s given to the ritual that makes it powerful.

Can you share any advice or guidance for others who may be exploring their own gender identity or considering incorporating witchcraft into their lives?

I highly suggest shedding all concepts of “feminine” energies and “masculine” energies when it comes to witchcraft. No matter how you identify. Just take them off and throw them in the bin! Replace them with a word that resonates more with who you are deep down (because that’s where divinity is). Maybe “cloudy” or “creature”, “dandy” or “mossy”. The social construct of a gender binary serves as a tool of societal oppression and does not add value to intuition or magic- in fact it degrades our connection to the universe. Aside from that, I will say what I wish my first teacher had said to me: be gentle with yourself. You’re going to make mistakes- sometimes huge mistakes- and your magic isn’t going to look like a tiktok video. (Though tiktok wasn’t a thing when I started!) No matter how long you practice magic, or how many gender workbooks you complete, you will always be at the beginning of figuring it out. Never at the end. So always treat yourself with the patience and care you would give to a child who is just learning to tie their shoelaces. 

Are there any specific deities, spirits, or elements that you feel particularly connected to, and if so, how do you honor and work with them?

I like to work with queer ancestors and ancestral chosen family. For example, if I have writer’s block, I’ll build an altar with pictures of Hans Christian Anderson and Leslie Feinberg. I have a couple personal deities that I “made up” because there just aren’t any I fully connect with. I’m an animist so I spend time intentionally and silently connecting with the spirits of “things” that might otherwise be undervalued- the overzealous multiflora rose behind my house or the tea kettle that I use every morning. The couch where my family crowds in for movie night. The broom I use to sweep the patio. All of these things contain the elements, contain divinity, and offer opportunities for reverence. I’m grateful for that.

Are there any misconceptions or stereotypes about being a genderqueer witch that you would like to address or debunk?

I protect my energy by not getting into Gender 101 discussions unless I’m being paid to do so. I’m genderqueer because queer is my gender, which means I can’t explain it in a succinct way. I don’t have to explain it to anyone’s satisfaction in order for it to be valid and valued. My genderqueerness is part of the mystery that fuels my witchcraft. To separate my queerness and witchcraft would be impossible for me at this point.

Click here to request to book a tarot reading with Jasper Joy of Queer Conjure.

What other hobbies or interests do you enjoy outside of witchcraft that bring you joy or inspiration?

I’m a very family-oriented person. Not in a nuclear-hetero way, but in a way that requires a deeply intentional cultivation of relationships. I love my friends so much my heart feels like a bird. I enjoy the hell out of them. I love spending time with my nesting partner and children. I build my life with them in mind. I’m a book nerd, for sure. I’m also just a geek for whatever is considered “weird”. I listen to a lot of podcasts and read a lot. I get very enthusiastic about new-to-me information and trying new-to-me things. 

Are there any books, resources, or mentors that have significantly influenced your journey?

Cassandra Snow was my first portal into queerness as an essential part of tarot and magic. Before them, I was juggling those pieces of myself as separate rather than embodying them as a whole. I’ll be forever grateful to them. I have a booklist here of forty-plus books that I hold in high regard. The In Search Of Tarot podcast and the Missing Witches podcast routinely blow my mind. My conversations with Ylva Mara are deeply influential as well. I highly recommend her book A Practical Guide For Witches.

What are some of your favorite magical tools or ingredients to work with, and why?

Invasive plants! Anything that’s considered a nuisance but holds powerful medicine within. Their tenacity feels inherently queer to me. I have a small cauldron that I ritually work with several times a month that often holds plant friends and scraps of paper with scribbled wishes or thanks written on them. The cauldron is sacred for many reasons, but to be honest I love it because it’s iconic. Tarot cards are an obvious answer for me, because that’s what most of my work revolves around. For me, tarot is just as enigmatic as queerness and offers millions of lifetimes worth of lessons.

In what ways do you use platforms like Instagram and TikTok to amplify your message and connect with a broader audience? How has social media impacted your spiritual practice and community-building efforts? Any messages you feel called to share around social media? 

When I began my witchy studies, there was this thing called Witchvox. It was an online social network for witches and pagans before social media was even a thing. It’s where I found my first teacher. My first ritual, my first spell. It’s how I got my start. These days, my witch-community is a quilt of queers I stumbled upon thanks to some algorithm on Instagram and sometimes dating apps. I am grateful for that. I don’t know if it’s “amplified my message” exactly. I have a business partner that makes beautiful posts that keep us in the feed. I try not to think about the fact that I have an audience, though. I’m just doing my little turn on the catwalk, checking in with my loves, and looking at reels of cute animals. If I start paying attention to likes or followers or traffic reports, then social media begins to feed on my sense of self-worth. I think it’s important to hold boundaries that prevent that. 

What are some ways that folks can connect with you and do you have any exciting things coming up you’d like to share? 

All of my work can be found at queerconjure.org and I love getting emails from new folks. I also have a Patreon and a podcast, both called Queer Conjure. Right now my partner and I are creating the second issue of our downloadable tarot workbook and I’m very excited to share that once it feels complete.

Please feel free to share any additional insights or stories or anything else you feel is important to share with our readers. 

Thank you so much for these lovely questions! It was a wonderfully creative and introspective experience to answer them!

Click the image above to listen to the Mutating with Edgar episode on the Queer Conjure Podcast

As an added bonus, I recently had the privilege of being a guest on the Queer Conjure Podcast where we delve into the intersections of queerness and spirituality.

Ten Journal Prompts To Help You Get Unstuck, Figure Out Your Values, And Set Intention by Edgar Fabián Frías

I was recently interviewed by the incredible author Laura Pitcher on How To Prepare A Spiritual Bath With Intention for Nylon Magazine. It is also inspired by Tiktok’s #SpiritualBath trend and features myself, Porsche Little, and Semra Haksever of Mama Moon Candles.

Nylon Beauty Bath Candles Flowers Manifest Your Intentions With Tiktok's #Spiritualbath Trend Spiritual Practitioners Explain How to Prepare a bath with intention


In this article, I mention how one of the most important things in getting ready to draw a spiritual bath is to begin by setting an intention. This can sometimes be really clear and easy to do, but there are other times that you may feel confused about your intention or you may have a hard time figuring out what’s important at the moment.

From the article:

“The most important part of the process is being certain about what you intent to draw in. “It's important to get clear on what your intentions are first before doing anything,” says Edgar Fabián Frías, an indigenous Mexican artist and brujx who launched Our Sacred Web. This can be nearly any thing Frías explains: “Are you trying to draw a bath to relax? To manifest a new career? To inspire self-love, To draw in magic?” If you don’t know where to begin, they recommend journaling to uncover what it is you are hoping to achieve through the bath, before moving on to the next steps.”

Journaling can be a powerful practice to help you get grounded, and centered, and to help you tap into your intuition, your ancestors, guides, and your higher self. With this in mind, I thought I would share some journaling prompts that can help you get into the flow.

Journaling Prompts to Help You Get Unstuck

To start, I wanted to share some creative writing prompts that can help you get into the flow or writing and explore your imagination and creativity. Feel free to adapt these as you see fit and use them as a way to get into the flow before you start to ask more pointed questions about your intentions.

  1. Imagine yourself as a character in a book. What kind of story would you be in? What challenges would you face, and how would you overcome them?

  2. Choose a random object in your environment and write a story about it. Where did it come from? Who owned it before you? What adventures has it been on?

  3. Write a letter to your younger self. What advice or encouragement would you give? What lessons have you learned that you wish you knew back then?

  4. Create a bucket list of things you want to do before you die. What experiences do you want to have, places do you want to visit, and people do you want to meet?

  5. Write a stream-of-consciousness narrative about your day. What did you do, see, and think about? What stood out to you?

  6. Make a list of your favorite quotes or passages from books, movies, or songs. What do they mean to you, and why do they resonate with you?

  7. Imagine yourself in a different era or time period. What would your life be like? How would your experiences and perspectives be different?

  8. Write a story that begins with the line, "Once upon a time, in a far-off land..."

  9. Choose a color and write about what it represents to you. What emotions, memories, or associations do you have with that color?

  10. Write about a place that inspires you. What do you see, hear, and feel when you're there? What memories or experiences does it bring up for you?

Journaling Prompts To Help Get Clear On Your Priorities & Values

  1. Write a letter to yourself five years from now. What do you hope to have accomplished by then? What do you want your life to look like?

  2. Choose a moment in your life that was particularly meaningful or transformative. Write about why that moment was important to you, and what lessons you learned from it.

  3. Make a list of your values and beliefs. What are the things that matter most to you? Why are they important?

  4. Write about a time when you had to make a difficult decision. What factors did you consider, and how did you ultimately make your choice?

  5. Imagine that you are at the end of your life, looking back on your journey. Write about what you would want to have accomplished, and what kind of legacy you would want to leave behind.

  6. Think about your ideal day. Write about what you would do, who you would be with, and what kind of experiences you would have.

  7. Write about a person who has been a positive influence in your life. What qualities do they possess that you admire? How have they impacted your life?

  8. Make a list of your goals and aspirations. What steps can you take to achieve them, and how will they help you live a more fulfilling life?

  9. Write about what you want your intention to be for a specific situation or event. What feelings or outcomes do you hope to cultivate, and what actions can you take to manifest them?

  10. Imagine that you have just won the lottery. Write about what you would do with the money, and why those things are important to you.

Journal Prompts To Help You Get Clear On Your Intention

  1. What is the purpose of this intention? Why is it important to me?

  2. What am I hoping to achieve or manifest through this intention?

  3. How will this intention align with my values and beliefs?

  4. What emotions or feelings do I want to experience as a result of this intention?

  5. What specific steps can I take to work towards this intention?

  6. How will this intention impact my life in a positive way?

  7. What are my fears or doubts about setting this intention, and how can I overcome them?

  8. How can I hold myself accountable for working towards this intention?

  9. What support or resources do I need to achieve this intention?

  10. How will I know when I have successfully fulfilled this intention?

Reflecting on these creative writing prompts has helped me realize the importance of clearly articulating your intention. To achieve this, I recommend boiling it down to just one sentence or a few words that capture the essence of what you want to manifest. Using an affirmation-style statement can also add power and possibility to your intention. Rather than stating “my intention is to become a successful artist”, I can declare “I am a successful artist” and repeat it out loud as a daily affirmation. By being clear and concise with my intention, I can focus my energy and attention on bringing it into reality.