Golden Dome School

2016 - Present

The Golden Dome School is an educational and curatorial platform dedicated to studying intersections of art, metaphysics, and ecology.

The Golden Dome School honors ideals of responsiveness, communal learning, and evolving artistic disciplines that foster community building, ecological awareness and non-hierarchy. The Golden Dome School was founded by artist and intuitive Eliza Swann in 2013, and has collaborated with over 200 artists, mystics, and scientists to produce exhibitions, performances, classes, publications, and artist residencies year round. Frías has acted as programmer, curator, educator, and artist with the Golden Dome. In 2018, they developed the "Tactical Magic" series in collaboration with both local and international mystics, offering pedagogical experiences focused on developed mystical tools to support creative, political, social, and relational practices. In addition to this, they have participated in The Resurrection of Care, The Golden Dome Artist Intensives, and other Golden Dome related programming and exhibitions. 

Tactical Magic Series

"Tactical Magic" was a series of magical workshops hosted by The Golden Dome School and Edgar that introduced magical techniques for activists and explored the history of magic as it has been used in resistance and renewal work. All these workshops took place at Pieter Performance Space in Los Angeles, California.

APRIL 15th, 2018 Mirror Flecha of Truth: Tactical Magic With Obsidian, with Edgar Fabian Frias and Yunuen Rhi.

The Resurrection of Care

The Golden Dome School has begun the tradition of performing "The Resurrection of Care" ritual each year - a performance that invites Los Angeles artists and mystics to respond to our culture’s violence, ecocide, caustic hierarchies, and exploitative capitalism. Each year we re-instate our vow to care for ourselves and all of the people, plants, animals, water, earth, air, and spirits that are threatened with annihilation by unfettered greed and exploitation. “The Resurrection of Care” has been performed at Coaxial (Los Angeles, CA), MaRS Gallery (Los Angeles, CA), The Gaylord (Los Angeles, CA), and at Echo Park Lake as part of the Maiden LA festival. Words & Documentation by Eliza Swann.

2021 at Debs Park Lake

2020 Virtual Ceremony

2018 at Echo Park Lake

2017 at The Gaylord